CBD, Industry News

How much cbd should a beginner start with?

Many people have different outcomes when they take CBD.  CBD is not a one size fits all compound and there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration when you’re looking at the size and frequency of your dose.

First you need to determine what you’re trying to accomplish with your CBD.  Are you looking for pain relief, better sleep, better attitude, or do you need to relax.  We will touch on all these areas briefly to help educate how to properly dose your CBD.  Additionally, it is important to understand the effects CBD provides typically wear off within 6 hours after the initial onset, however someone with a slower metabolism or taking a higher dose may take longer to wear off.  An excellent article on this can be review here: https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-for-cbd-gummies-to-work  

Pain relief is the most common reason people lean toward CBD, as it is a wonderful compound that does not have the psychological effects that THC has.  When you are looking at pain, first you need to determine how bad or chronic the pain is.  A general rule of thumb is to rank you pain into 3 categories. 

Category 1 – minor pain and discomfort commonly known as general body aches should not require more that 10% of your body weight in mg (milligrams) twice daily.  An adult person weighing 200 lbs. would need a dose at 20mg twice a day.

Category 2 – moderate pain should not require more that 30% of your body weight in mg (milligrams) twice daily.  An adult person weighing 200 lbs. would need a dose at 60mg twice a day.

Category 3 – chronic pain and discomfort should not require more that 50% of your body weight in mg (milligrams) twice daily.  An adult person weighing 200 lbs. would need a dose at 100mg twice a day.

CBD for sleep is another common use in adults.  CBD provides a body numbing calm which can assist with a better night’s sleep.  Typically, a 25mg – 50mg dose 30 minutes before bed provides enough relaxation to drift off into a restful night of bliss. 

Attitude adjusting is another common reason adults take CBD.  This is where what is called micro dosing comes into play.  You can take small doses of 5mg as needed provided you wait until the first dose kicks in.  Typically, this will take anywhere from 30 – 90 minutes.  A small dose can take the edge off someone who is stressed, anxious, or agitated and provide more focus and clarity. 

CBD is a legal substance in the United States and should only be consumed by adults in a safe manner.  CBD is not controlled by the FDA and the statements made in this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA.